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Preferred election results

5 Feb 2019

Q. Which party do you think each of the following groups would prefer to win the next federal election in 2019?

  Labor Liberal/National Coalition Don’t know
Big business 13% 63% 24%
Mining companies 17% 54% 29%
Major banks 14% 54% 31%
Private health insurance companies 16% 50% 34%
Small business owners 29% 43% 27%
Farmers 30% 39% 31%
The media 25% 32% 43%
Pensioners 42% 28% 30%
People with a disability 44% 22% 34%
Families with young children 50% 21% 30%
People who are unemployed 55% 16% 30%

The majority of people believe big businesses (63%), mining companies (54%), major banks (54%) and private health insurers (50%) would prefer to see a Coalition victory at the next election, whereas they believe families with young children (50%) and those who are unemployed (55%) would welcome a Labor triumph.
