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Performance of Tony Abbott as Opposition Leader

26 Sep 2011

Q. Which of the following statements is closest to your view about the performance of Tony Abbott as Opposition leader?

7 Mar 2011 6 Jun 2011 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Tony Abbott is performing the role of Opposition leader well and is keeping the Government accountable 41% 42% 38% 6% 77% 10%
Tony Abbott is just opposing everything and is obstructing the work of the Government 43% 44% 45% 82% 11% 77%
Don’t know 16% 15% 17% 12% 11% 13%

The proportion of respondents that believe that Tony Abbott is performing the role of Opposition Leader well is 38%, down four points from when the question was last asked on 6 June 2011.  Coalition voters are far more likely to regard Abbott as performing the role well (77%).

Forty five per cent (45%) of respondents believe that Abbott is just opposing everything and is obstructing the work of Government (45%), a result that is fairly consistent with the previous occasions on which the question has been polled.   Labor voters are the most likely to agree with this position (82%), as are Greens voters (77%).

Respondents aged 65+ are much more likely to regard Abbott as performing well (56%).

Respondents from Queensland were also somewhat more likely to regard Abbott as doing well (44%).
