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Performance of Tony Abbott

6 Jun 2011

Q. Which of the following statements is closest to your view about the performance of Tony Abbott as Opposition leader?

7 Mar 11 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Tony Abbott is performing the role of Opposition leader well and is keeping the Government accountable 41% 42% 11% 78% 13%
Tony Abbott is just opposing everything and is obstructing the work of the Government 43% 44% 78% 13% 73%
Don’t know 16% 15% 11% 10% 14%

42% believe that Tony Abbott is performing the role of Opposition leader well and is keeping the Government accountable and 44% think he is just opposing everything and is obstructing the work of the Government. These figures have not changed significantly since March and views very much follow party preferences.

45% of men think he is performing the role of Opposition leader well compared to 38% of women and 51% of those aged 55+ think he is just opposing everything compared to 40% of those aged under 35.
