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Performance of Coalition Government

16 Feb 2016

Overall, since he replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister, would you say that the performance of Malcolm Turnbull and the Coalition Government has been better or worse than you expected or has it been about what you expected?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Total better than expected 28%   20% 45% 28% 10%
Total worse than expected 22%   28% 13% 26% 40%
Much better than expected 9%   7% 17% 4% 3%
Somewhat better than expected 19%   13% 28% 24% 7%
About what expected 41%   43% 38% 44% 42%
Somewhat worse than expected 13%   17% 9% 16% 21%
Much worse than expected 9%   11% 4% 10% 19%
Don’t know 10%   9% 4% 3% 8%

28% think that the performance of Malcolm Turnbull and the Coalition has been better than expected and 22% say it has been worse than expected. 41% think they about what they expected.

Views are related to party preference – 45% of Liberal National voters think the Coalition has been better than expected, while Greens and Labor voters are more evenly divided.
