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Performance of Anthony Albanese

27 Jun 2019

Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

Q       Total May’19








NET: Approve 35% 38% 39% 31% 45%
NET: Disapprove 25% 44% 41% 27% 37%
Don’t know 39% 18% 20% 43% 19%


Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
Strongly approve 15% 4% 2% 3%
Approve 35% 27% 39% 17%
Disapprove 12% 22% 13% 23%
Strongly disapprove 3% 11% 2% 21%
Not sure 34% 36% 44% 36%
NET: Approve 50% 31% 41% 20%
NET: Disapprove 16% 33% 15% 44%
  • Albanese faces a similar approval rate (35% to 38%) but lower disapproval (25% to 44%) than Bill Shorten received in May 2019.
  • However, the difference has mostly gone towards an increase in those selecting ‘Don’t know’ (39% to 18%), suggesting he hasn’t been Opposition Leader long enough for voters to decide.
  • More than a third of Labor, Coalition and Other voters were not sure if they approved or disapproved of his performance (the number reached 44% for Greens voters).