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Party trust to handle issues

27 Jun 2017

Q. Which party would you trust most to handle the following issues?

  Liberal Labor Don’t know   Differe-nce Difference

Dec 2016

Security and the war on terrorism 41% 21% 38% +20 +17
Management of the economy 40% 25% 34% +15 +14
Controlling interest rates 34% 24% 42% +10 +7
Political leadership 35% 27% 38% +8 +6
Managing population growth 30% 24% 46% +6 +7
Treatment of asylum seekers 31% 30% 39% +1 +6
Ensuring a quality water supply 27% 32% 41% -5 -3
Ensuring a fair taxation system 27% 37% 36% -10 -1
Ensuring a quality education for all children 29% 40% 31% -11 -11
Ensuring the quality of Australia’s health system 28% 39% 33% -11 -12
Housing affordability 24% 36% 40% -12 -9
Protecting Australian jobs and protection of local industries 26% 39% 34% -13 -9
A fair industrial relations system 27% 41% 32% -14 -7
Protecting the environment 23% 37% 40% -14 -14
Addressing climate change 23% 39% 39% -16 -14

The Liberal Party is trusted more to handle security and the war on terrorism (+20, up 3 from December) and management of the economy (+15, up 1).

The Labor Party is trusted more to handle addressing climate change (+16, up 2), protecting the environment (+14, no change), and a fair industrial relations system (+14, up 7).

Since this question was asked in December, the Liberal party has improved its position against the Labor party on security and the war on terrorism (up 3) and controlling interest rates (up 3). The Labor Party has improved its position against the Liberal Party on ensuring a fair taxation system (up 9), a fair industrial relations system (up 7), treatment of asylum seekers (up 5) and protecting Australian jobs and local industries (up 4).
