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Party best at Handling Issues

19 Jul 2010

Q. And which party would you trust most to handle the following issues?

  Labor Liberal Greens Don’t know
A fair industrial relations system 45% 24% 5% 26%
Ensuring a quality education for all children 41% 25% 4% 29%
Australian jobs and protection of local industries 42% 28% 3% 27%
Ensuring the quality of Australia’s health system  38% 27% 4% 31%
Ensuring a fair taxation system 36% 28% 4% 32%
Housing affordability 30% 24% 4% 41%
Political leadership 33% 30% 5% 33%
Ensuring a quality water supply 23% 23% 22% 32%
Managing population growth 24% 27% 9% 40%
Security and the war on terrorism 25% 30% 3% 42%
Management of the economy 32% 38% 3% 27%
Treatment of asylum seekers 23% 29% 11% 37%
Controlling interest rates 28% 35% 2% 35%
Addressing climate change 18% 16% 36% 29%
Protecting the environment 17% 13% 47% 23%

 Labor have a substantial lead over the Liberal Party as the best party to handle a fair industrial relations system (+21%), quality education for all (+16%), Australian jobs and protection of industries (+14%) and ensuring the quality of Australia’s health system (+11%).

 The Liberal Party’s main strengths were controlling interest rates (+7%), treatment of asylum seekers (+6%) and management of the economy  (+6%).

The Greens were thought to be the best party for protecting the environment (47%) and addressing climate change (36%).
