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Party Best at Handling Economy

4 Jul 2011

Q. Which party do you think would be best at handling the Australian economy in the interests of you and people like you?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
The Labor Party 26% 75% 2% 35%
The Liberal Party 43% 1% 86% 11%
No difference 23% 19% 9% 43%
Don’t know 8% 4% 3% 10%

43% think the Liberal Party would be best at handling the Australian economy in their interests and 26% nominated the Labor Party. 23% think there is no difference.

The Liberal Party is considered better by all income groups , although more by those on higher incomes. Those earning less than $600 per week favour the Liberal Party 37%/29%, while those earning $1,600+ per week favour the Liberal Party 51%/21%.
