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  • Aug 31, 2012

    Cuts Hurt–Everyone Part II

    Yesterday, Cuts Hurt took its first step publicly to paint the real picture of the devastation underway because of the cuts unleashed on the people by Liberal state premiers. It’s worth another closer look today. Read more

  • Aug 15, 2012

    Blinding Rhetoric

    Think “juicy steak”. Unless you are a vegetarian, your mouth watered or your stomach told you were hungry. “Juicy steak” are also coded words that trigger physical and emotional reactions; the phrase will blind you from thinking clearly about anything else…at least for a minute or two. CEOs who run around tossing out phrases like “surging labour costs” and “lower productivity” are using the “juicy steak” strategy—they want to trigger emotional responses that blind people. Read more

  • Aug 14, 2012

    The People Don’t Dig Austerity

    No one really knows which way the global economy is headed. Predictions are not a science: one day markets rise because certain people *think* some indicators look good—only to reverse themselves the very next day. But one thing is clear: real people don’t like austerity which will influence the direction of political alignments. Take the Dutch. Read more

  • Aug 13, 2012

    Approval of Julia Gillard

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?   19 Jul 2010 20 Dec 14 Mar 2011 14 June 12 Sept 12 Dec 12 […] Read more

  • Aug 1, 2012

    Swan Sings Bruce

    Who knew? Wayne Swan hearts Bruce Springsteen. But, the main point here: Swan is singing the right tune. Read more

  • Jul 27, 2012

    A Nation’s Greatness

    Mahatma Ghandi said, “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” A thought that is pretty darn relevant when thinking about the debate over the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Read more

  • Jul 16, 2012

    Approval of Julia Gillard

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?   19 Jul 2010 20 Dec 14 Mar 2011 14 June 12 Sept 12 Dec 12 […] Read more

  • Jul 16, 2012

    Labor’s Woes

    If you offer people two options to choose from–vote for a lite version of political ideology or the real thing–most people will vote for the real thing. It’s an emotional reaction–not entirely rationale. And, therein, my friends, lies a big problem faced by Labor. Read more

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