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    Search Results for: trust

  • May 16, 2017

    Preferred Treasurer

    Q. Who would you trust most to handle Australia’s economy – the Treasurer Scott Morrison or the Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen?   Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other […] Read more

  • Mar 21, 2017

    Attributes of the Labor Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about various political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party?   Total Change   […] Read more

  • Mar 21, 2017

    Attributes of the Liberal Party

    Q. And which statements do you feel fit the Liberal Party?   Total Change   Jul 2009 April 2011 Aug 2013 Nov 2015 Mar 2016 Jun 2016 Too close to the big […] Read more

  • Mar 21, 2017

    Attributes – Liberal vs labor

      Liberal Labor Difference Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 71% 40% +31 Divided 68% 49% +19 Out of touch with ordinary people 68% 50% +18 Will promise to […] Read more

  • Feb 28, 2017

    Attributes of Malcolm Turnbull

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull?   Total   Sep 2016   Difference Intelligent 72% 75% -3 Out of touch with ordinary people 65% […] Read more

  • Feb 28, 2017

    Leader attributes – Bill Shorten

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten?   Total   Sep 2016   Change Hard working 61%   61%   – Intelligent 60%   59% […] Read more

  • Feb 28, 2017

    Leader attributes – comparisons

      Malcolm Turnbull Bill Shorten   Difference Out of touch with ordinary people 65% 47% +18 Intelligent 72% 60% +12 Arrogant 56% 44% +12 A capable leader 50% 43% +7 Good in […] Read more

  • Nov 1, 2016

    Donald Trump Attributes

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Republican American Presidential nominee, Donald Trump?   Yes No Don’t know Intelligent 30% 56% 14% Hard-working 38% 45% 17% A capable leader 15% […] Read more

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