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New Election

20 Sep 2010

Q. How likely is it that Australia will need to have another Federal election within the next 12 months?

6 Sep 10 20 Sep 10
Total likely 70% 59%
Total unlikely 16% 28%
Very likely 27% 23%
Quite likely 43% 36%
Not very likely 13% 22%
Not at all likely 3% 6%
Don’t know 14% 13%

59% of respondents (down 11% from 2 weeks ago) think it likely that Australia will need to have another Federal election within the next 12 months and 28% (up 12%) think it is unlikely. Labor voters are evenly divided (42% likely/42% unlikely) but 83% of Coalition voters think it is likely and only 11% unlikely.

Q. Do you think Australia should have another Federal election in the next 12 months?

6 Sep 10 20 Sep 10 Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Yes 52% 43% 17% 75% 11%
No 33% 43% 71% 14% 75%
Don’t know 15% 14% 12% 11% 14%

43% (down 9%) think that Australia should have another election in the next 12 months and 43% (up 10%) disagree. Support for another election is strongest among Liberal/National voters (75%) but other voters oppose it.
