Q. There is a debate in many parts of Australia on the appropriate response of police to a range of situations.
In your opinion which of the following is the most appropriate response for police in the following situations? (Version B – asked of half the sample).
Most appropriate police response |
Situation |
Firearm |
Taser |
Capsicum spray |
Baton |
Physical restraint |
Verbal response |
Don’t know |
Police confronted with an armed individual |
55% |
25% |
7% |
2% |
2% |
1% |
8% |
Police confronted with a drug (eg ice amphetamines) or alcohol affected individual |
5% |
37% |
28% |
3% |
18% |
2% |
7% |
Police confronted with a mentally ill individual (eg schizophrenic episode) |
2% |
24% |
24% |
1% |
31% |
10% |
7% |
Police confronted with a gang or mob |
39% |
19% |
19% |
8% |
3% |
2% |
9% |
A firearm was considered to be the most appropriate police response when confronted with an armed individual (55%) or a gang or mob (39%).
When confronted with a drug or alcohol affected individual the most appropriate responses were thought to be taser (37%) and capsicum spray (28%).
When confronted with a mentally ill individual the most appropriate responses were thought to be physical restraint (31%), taser (24%) and capsicum spray (24%).