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Mining Tax

5 Sep 2011

Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the proposed mining tax (called the Minerals Resource Rent Tax) on large profits of mining companies?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens 12 Jul 2010
Total approve 46% 72% 27% 82% 50%
Total disapprove 34% 13% 57% 2% 28%
Strongly approve 18% 33% 7% 43% 13%
Approve 28% 39% 20% 39% 37%
Disapprove 18% 10% 29% 1% 18%
Strongly disapprove 16% 3% 28% 1% 10%
Don’t know 19% 15% 17% 16% 22%

46% approve the Government’s proposed mining tax and 34% disapprove. This represents a weakening in support since this question was asked in July 2010.

Labor voters (72%) and Greens voters (82%) strongly support the tax – but Liberal/National voters disapprove 57% to 27%.
