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Likelihood of voting for Australian Conservatives

14 Feb 2017

Q. How likely would you be to vote for this new party, the Australian Conservatives – in a future Federal election?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Total likely 14%   13% 18% 9% 16%
Total not likely 62%   66% 63% 82% 60%
Very likely 3%   4% 4% 1% 3%
Somewhat likely 11%   9% 14% 8% 13%
Not very likely 16%   14% 21% 9% 18%
Not at all likely 46%   52% 42% 73% 42%
Don’t know 25%   21% 19% 9% 24%

14% say they would be likely to vote for the Australian Conservatives and 62% say they would be unlikely to vote for them.

Among Liberal/National voters 18% say they would be likely to vote for the Australian Conservatives.

A similar question (asked in December last year) about a new conservative party which included Tony Abbott produced a voting intention of 23% likely (including 41% of Liberal/National voters), 58% not likely.
