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Labor team

20 Nov 2018

Q. And how would you rate the Labor Opposition’s team of shadow ministers?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other
Total good 28%   55% 18% 31% 10%
Total poor 33%   6% 48% 24% 62%
Very good 7%   16% 4% 4% 1%
Good 21%   39% 14% 27% 9%
Neither good nor poor 32%   35% 30% 37% 24%
Poor 16%   5% 25% 19% 20%
Very poor 17%   1% 23% 5% 42%
Don’t know 8%   5% 4% 8% 4%


28% rate the Labor Opposition’s team of shadow ministers good and 33% poor. 55% of Labor voters rate them as good.
