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Issues for next generation

6 Sep 2016

Q. Do you think these issues for the next generation of Australians will be better, worse or about the same compared with today?

  Total better Total worse   A lot better A little better About the same A little worse A lot worse Don’t know
Knowledge of international events 50% 12%   19% 31% 32% 7% 5% 6%
Freedom from discrimination 42% 19%   11% 31% 33% 11% 8% 5%
Health services 41% 31%   14% 27% 24% 19% 12% 5%
Education services 40% 27%   11% 29% 28% 18% 9% 4%
Standard of living 37% 28%   9% 28% 30% 18% 10% 4%
Quality of life 34% 27%   8% 26% 35% 18% 9% 5%
Job security 18% 49%   4% 14% 27% 24% 25% 5%
Political leaders 15% 35%   3% 12% 44% 19% 16% 6%

Respondents were more likely to think that job security and political leadership would be worse for the next generation.

Otherwise, all other issues were more likely to be better – although not by the margins between today and 50 years ago.
