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Information about Covid-19

24 Mar 2020

Q. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the information you’ve received about the Covid-19 outbreak?

  NET: Agree NET: Disagree Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
I feel informed about the situation and the impact on me and my family 64% 14% 18% 46% 22% 9% 5%
I trust the Government to provide honest and objective information about the Covid-19 outbreak 56% 20% 19% 37% 24% 12% 8%
The information I’ve received has been clear and consistent 51% 24% 15% 37% 25% 17% 7%
I trust the media to provide honest and objective information about the Covid-19 outbreak 35% 40% 7% 27% 26% 23% 17%
  • Around two-thirds of people agree that they feel informed about the situation (64%) and over half (56%) trust the government to provide honest and objective information about the outbreak.
  • Half think the information they’ve received has been clear and consistent (51%).
  • Those who think the threat of Covid-19 has been under-estimated are more likely to disagree that they feel informed of the situation (22%), that the information they’ve receive is clear and consistent (33%) and they trust the government to deliver honest and objective information (34%).
    Gender Age Group Location
NET: AGREE Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
I feel informed about the situation and the impact on me and my family 64% 63% 65% 58% 59% 73% 65% 61%
I trust the Government to provide honest and objective information about the Covid-19 outbreak 56% 57% 54% 48% 51% 66% 57% 53%
The information I’ve received has been clear and consistent 51% 53% 50% 49% 47% 58% 54% 47%
I trust the media to provide honest and objective information about the Covid-19 outbreak 35% 38% 32% 31% 35% 37% 36% 32%
Base (n) 1,034 519 515 342 327 365 703 331
  • Those aged over 55 are more likely to agree that they feel informed about the situation (73%), that they have trust in the information from the government (66%) and that the information they’ve received has been clear and concise (58%).
  • People in non-capital areas are less likely to agree that the information they have received has been clear and consistent (47%) compared to those in capital cities (54%).