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Influence of the US

22 Jun 2021

Q. Thinking about Australia’s relationship with the United States of America, how do you rate the influence of the United States of America on each of the following aspects?

  TOTAL: Positive TOTAL: Negative Very positive Somewhat positive Somewhat negative Very negative Unsure
Australia’s defence, military, and national security 63% 19% 21% 42% 12% 7% 18%
Australia’s international trade 59% 19% 14% 45% 13% 6% 22%
Australia’s culture 49% 33% 13% 37% 22% 10% 18%
Australia’s politics 47% 31% 11% 35% 20% 11% 23%
American corporations and businesses operating in Australia 53% 26% 12% 41% 19% 7% 21%


TOTAL: Positive influence Jun’21 May’20 Aug’19
Australia’s defence, military, and national security 63% 54% 65%
Australia’s international trade 59% 48% 56%
Australia’s culture 49% 43% 51%
Australia’s politics 47% 41% 43%
American corporations and businesses operating in Australia 53% 47% 57%
Base (n) 1,087 1,087 1,096


TOTAL: Positive influence Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
Australia’s defence, military, and national security 63% 67% 60% 51% 62% 74% 65% 77% 42% 54%
Australia’s international trade 59% 62% 56% 48% 60% 69% 59% 73% 36% 56%
Australia’s culture 49% 50% 48% 42% 53% 52% 48% 62% 27% 46%
Australia’s politics 47% 50% 43% 36% 49% 53% 44% 63% 25% 38%
American corporations and businesses operating in Australia 53% 58% 48% 43% 55% 60% 53% 65% 35% 45%
Base (n) 1,087 527 560 328 374 385 378 407 98 102
  • Australians are as likely as they were in August 2019 to rate the US as a positive influence on Australia. The biggest increases to the positive influence of the US were defence, military and national security (63%, from 54%), and Australia’s international trade (59%, from 48%).