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Importance of re-establishing ABCC

12 Apr 2016

Q: Compared to other issues the Government needs to address, how important is the issue of re-establishing the ABCC?

Vote Labor
Vote Lib/Nat
Vote Greens
Vote other
Total important 34%   25% 51% 30% 28%
Total not important 41%   53% 29% 54% 48%
Very important 10% 5% 16% 7% 12%
Somewhat important 24% 20% 35% 23% 16%
Not so important 26% 31% 25% 22% 24%
Not at all important 15% 22% 4% 32% 24%
Don’t know 26% 23% 20% 15% 24%

34% say that re-establishing the ABCC is very or somewhat important compared to other issues the Government needs to address and 41% say it is not important.

Those more likely to think it is important were Liberal/National voters (51% and people aged 65+ (47%).

Those more likely to say it was not important were Labor (53%) and Greens (54%) voters.
