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Importance of Climate Change Issue

6 Dec 2010

Q. Compared to other issues that are often raised in politics – like the economy, healthcare, immigration, etc –  how important to you personally is the issue of tackling climate change?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Total important 61% 73% 50% 87%
Total not important 35% 25% 47% 12%
Very important 24% 31% 15% 55%
Quite important 37% 42% 35% 32%
Not so important 26% 18% 35% 11%
Not at all important 9% 7% 12% 1%
Don’t know 4% 3% 3%

61% think tackling climate change is a very important (24%) or quite important (37%) issue – 35% think it is not important. 73% of Labor voters and 87% of Greens voters think it is important while Liberal/National voters are split (50% important/47% not important).

Those most likely to think it is important were women (65%) and aged 18-35 (68%).

Of those who believe that climate change is happening and is caused by human activity, 47% think it is a very important issue and 46% a quite important issue.
