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Impact on house prices

28 Feb 2017

Q. What do you think would be the impact on house prices of limiting negative gearing and reducing the concession on Capital Gains Tax?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
House prices would fall 19%   22% 17% 17% 21%
House prices would continue to rise but at a slower rate 32%   34% 34% 40% 27%
House prices would continue to rise at the same rate 17%   14% 22% 16% 21%
Don’t know 32%   30% 27% 26% 31%


51% think that limiting negative gearing and reducing the concession on Capital Gains Tax would have an impact on house prices. 19% think house prices would fall and 32% think they would rise at a slower rate. Only 17% think house prices would continue to rise at the same rate.

There were not major differences across demographic and voter groups.
