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Impact of higher tax on multinational corporations

31 Jan 2017

Q. Do you think that making big multinational corporations pay more tax would be good for the economy because it would increase Government revenue or bad for the economy because these companies would stop investing in Australia?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Mar 2015
Good for the economy 60%   64% 57% 75% 64%   60%
Bad for the economy 11%   10% 14% 4% 12%   13%
Don’t know 29%   27% 29% 22% 23%   27%

60% think that making big multinational corporations pay more tax would be good for the economy because it would increase Government revenue and 11% think it would be bad for the economy because these companies would stop investing in Australia. These results are much the same when this question was asked in March 2015.

A majority of all voter groups believe it would be good for the economy. 67% of respondents aged 55+ and 66% of those with university degrees think it would be good for the economy.
