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Impact of Changes on Delivery of Health Services

22 Aug 2011

Q. What impact do you think these changes will have on the delivery of health services in Australia?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Heard a lot / something Heard a little
A big impact 15% 17% 12% 21% 24% 7%
A moderate impact 35% 46% 28% 42% 42% 29%
A small impact 27% 22% 32% 15% 19% 34%
No impact 10% 3% 15% 6% 11% 10%
Don’t know 13% 11% 12% 16% 4% 20%

* based on those who have heard a lot/something/a little.

Of those who had heard a lot/something/a little, 50% think the health system changes will have a big or moderate impact on the delivery of health services in Australia, 27% think they will have small impact and 10% think they will have no impact.

Those who have heard more about the changes are more likely to think they will have an impact – 66% of those who have heard a lot/something think they will have a big/moderate impact compared to 36% of those who have only heard a little.
