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Government influence over ABC

9 Oct 2018

Q. Thinking about recent events concerning the ABC CEO and board, do you think that the Government has too much or not enough influence over the ABC?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Government has too much influence 36%   54% 19% 47% 40%
Government has not enough influence 16%   7% 24% 16% 22%
Level of Government influence about right 17%   13% 29% 13% 12%
Don’t know 31%   26% 28% 25% 27%

36% think that the Government has too much influence over the ABC and 16% think they have not enough influence. 17% think they have about the right level of influence.


54% of Labor voters and 47% of Greens voters think the Government has too much influence compared to only 19% of LNP voters.
