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Enough being done to address family violence

9 Oct 2019

Q. Do you think enough is being done to address each of the following aspects of family violence in Australia?

Not enough is being done Enough is being done Unsure
Arrest and prosecute perpetrators of family violence 67% 18% 15%
Behaviour change programs to help perpetrators change their violent behaviour 64% 17% 19%
Provide support and services for people who have already experienced family violence 61% 23% 16%
Education in schools to prevent attitudes that lead to family violence 59% 21% 20%
Raise awareness on the issue of family violence through advertising 52% 34% 15%

 Not enough is being done

  Total Gender Age
Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
Arrest and prosecute perpetrators of family violence 67% 60% 73% 62% 62% 76%
Behaviour change programs to help perpetrators change their violent behaviour 64% 59% 69% 62% 64% 67%
Provide support and services for people who have already experienced family violence 61% 57% 65% 57% 60% 66%
Education in schools to prevent attitudes that lead to family violence 59% 55% 64% 58% 58% 62%
Raise awareness on the issue of family violence through advertising 52% 45% 58% 53% 52% 50%
Base 1,097 552 575 357 366 374
  • Women are more likely than men to say that not enough is being done to address any aspect of family violence in Australia – particularly arresting and prosecuting perpetrators (73% women, 60% men).
  • Liberal voters were less likely to say that not enough is being done to address family violence across the listed aspects.

Not enough is being done

  Total Federal Voting Intention
Labor Coalition Greens Independent / Other
Arrest and prosecute perpetrators of family violence 67% 75% 61% 72% 73%
Behaviour change programs to help perpetrators change their violent behaviour 64% 71% 58% 77% 68%
Provide support and services for people who have already experienced family violence 61% 67% 54% 71% 66%
Education in schools to prevent attitudes that lead to family violence 59% 67% 55% 68% 59%
Raise awareness on the issue of family violence through advertising 52% 62% 43% 62% 52%
Base 1,097 346 374 115 154

