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Economy heading in right or wrong direction

5 Apr 2016

Q. From what you have read and heard, do you think the Australian economy is heading in the right direction or the wrong direction?



  Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Apr 2013 Apr 2014 May 2015 Jan 2016
The right direction 32%   22% 56% 13% 13%   36% 39% 35% 30%
The wrong direction 37%   46% 20% 57% 64%   39% 34% 40% 38%
Don’t know 31%   32% 24% 29% 23%   25% 26% 25% 31%

32% of respondents think that Australia’s economy is heading in the right direction and 37% think it is heading in the wrong direction. This represents a slightly more positive view than when this question was asked in January.

22% (down 2%) of Labor voters, 56% (up 2%) of Liberal/National voters and 13% (up 1%) of Greens voters think the economy is heading in the right direction. 46% (down 1%) of Labor voters, 20% (down 6%) of Liberal/National voters and 57% (down 2%) of Greens voters think it is heading in the wrong direction.
