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Dual citizenship

29 Aug 2017

Q. Two members of Parliament have resigned and the position of several others is under question because they may be dual citizens of other countries. Do you think dual citizens should or should not be allowed to be members of Parliament?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Should be allowed 41%   37% 53% 42% 30%
Should not be allowed 40%   49% 34% 33% 54%
Don’t know 18%   14% 13% 25% 17%


41% think that dual citizens should be allowed to be members of Parliament and 40% think they should not.

Those most likely to think they should be allowed to be members of Parliament were Liberal/National voters (53%) and university educated (49%).

Those most likely to think they should be not allowed to be members of Parliament were Labor voters (49%), other party voters (54%) and aged 45-54 (50%).
