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Donations to activist groups

4 Apr 2017

Q. Do you think activist groups – such as GetUp, which campaigns on social issues – should be allowed or not allowed to accept donations from foreign organisations or individuals?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Should be allowed to accept foreign donations 31%   39% 28% 41% 26%
Should not be allowed to accept foreign donations 41%   42% 44% 29% 47%
Don’t know 28%   20% 28% 30% 27%

31% think that activist groups should be allowed to accept donations from foreign organisations or individuals and 41% think they should not be allowed.

Those most likely to think they should be allowed were Labor voters (39%, Greens voters (41%) and aged under 35 (44%).

Those most likely tot think they should not be allowed were aged 65+ (68%) and “other” voters (47%).
