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Cory Bernardi

14 Feb 2017

Q. The Liberal Party Senator, Cory Bernardi, has announced he will leave the Liberal Party and remain in Parliament as a member of a new party, the Australian Conservatives. Do you think Senator Bernardi leaving the Liberals is good or bad for the Liberal Party?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Good for the Liberal Party 17%   19% 23% 23% 11%
Bad for the Liberal Party 26%   30% 28% 24% 29%
Neither 29%   28% 31% 26% 33%
Don’t know 28%   23% 18% 27% 27%

26% think that Cory Bernardi laving the Liberal party is bad for the Liberal Party and 17% think it is good for the Liberal Party. 29% think it is b=neither and 28% don’t know.

Among Liberal/National voters 28% think it is bad for the party and 23% good.
