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25 Sep 2018

Q. For each of the following Australian industries and organisations, please indicate how affected by corruption you think they are:

  Widespread corruption Some corruption Very little corruption Don’t know   Apr 2016 Widespread corruption
Building industry 23% 47% 16% 14%   36%
Unions 29% 41% 17% 13%   35%
Banking and finance sector 36% 41% 14% 10%   25%
Politics 45% 37% 9% 8%   40%
Large corporations 26% 51% 12% 11%   34%
Law enforcement (police) 9% 42% 39% 11%  
The media 21% 47% 21% 11%  


45% think there is widespread corruption in politics and 36% think there is widespread corruption in the banking and finance sector.

50% of Liberal/National voters think there is widespread corruption in unions compared to only 15% of Labor voters.

49% of Labor voters think there is widespread corruption in politics compared to 31% of LNP voters.

Main changes since this question was asked in April 2016 were for banking and finance (up 11%), the building industry (down 13%) and large corporations (down 8%).
