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Clinton and Trump

8 Nov 2016

Q. Regardless of who you would vote for, do you think a Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump presidency would be better for each of the following?

  Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Makes no difference Not sure
Australia’s relationship with the US 54% 10% 23% 13%
Global security 49% 15% 22% 15%
The global economy 48% 14% 24% 14%
Addressing climate change 44% 9% 32% 15%
The Australian economy 40% 11% 32% 17%
Australian regional security 39% 12% 33% 16%
Preventing terrorist attacks in Australia 33% 15% 38% 14%

There was strong agreement that Hillary Clinton would be better than Donald Trump for Australia’s relationship with the US (54% Clinton, 10% Trump), global security (49%/15%) and the global economy (48%/14%).

They were most likely to think it would make no difference to preventing terrorist attacks in Australia. However, on each issue, Hillary Clinton was thought to be substantially better than Donald Trump.
