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Clean Energy Target

20 Jun 2017

Q. Would you support a clean energy target to support investment in new energy supply and to reduce carbon emissions if it resulted in energy prices increasing by the following amounts?



Total support Total oppose   Strongly support Support Neither support nor oppose Oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
No change to prices 75% 6%   50% 25% 13% 3% 3% 7%
Prices rise by 5% 41% 32%   12% 29% 19% 16% 16% 7%
Prices rise by 10% 21% 50%   6% 15% 21% 22% 28% 8%
Prices rise by 20% 8% 67%   3% 5% 17% 23% 44% 8%
Prices rise by more than 20% 7% 73%   2% 5% 13% 19% 54% 8%


75% would support a clean energy target if it did not result in an increase to energy prices, and 41% would support it if the price rise was limited to 5%. A majority would oppose a clean energy target which resulted in any greater increase in energy prices.

18-24 year olds were willing to accept greater increases in energy prices, with 38% supporting a clean energy target which raised prices by 10% and only 28% opposing it, as were Greens voters (48% support and 25% oppose)

Those aged 65+ were less willing to accept any increase in energy prices, with 36% supporting a clean energy target with raised energy prices by 5%, and 44% opposing.
