Q. With regard to work emails, how often do you check them in each of the following circumstances?
Regularly |
Sometimes |
Occasion-ally |
Never |
Out of work hours |
46% |
18% |
18% |
18% |
On weekends |
44% |
16% |
18% |
22% |
On holidays |
31% |
19% |
22% |
27% |
* Based on the 68% of respondents who receive work emails.
46% say they regularly check their work emails out of hours, 44% on weekends and 31% on holidays.
Those most likely to check their emails regularly out of hours were women (52%) and aged 45-54 (57%). Those earning under $1,000pw (54%) were more likely to check emails out of work hours than those earning over $1,000pw (44%).
However, there were no major differences across demographics on checking work emails on weekends or holidays.