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New Election – Change in Vote

6 Sep 2010

Q. If another election was held in the next 12 months would you vote for the same party or might you change your vote?

  Total Voted Labor Voted Lib/Nat Voted Greens
Vote for the same party 72% 76% 84% 62%
Might change my vote 16% 16% 11% 28%
Definitely change my vote 1% 1% 2% 1%
Don’t know 11% 7% 4% 8%

72% say they would vote for the same party if another election was held and 17% think they may change their vote. Liberal/National voters are least likely to change their vote (13%), while Greens voters are most likely (29%). 22% of voters aged under 35 said they may change their vote compared to only 13% of those aged 55+.
