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Change in Interest in Federal Politics

2 May 2011

Q. Over the last few years has your interest in following Federal politics increased or decreased?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Aged 18-34 Aged 35-54 Aged 55+
Total increased 29% 30% 35% 32% 37% 26% 25%
Total decreased 11% 11% 6% 15% 11% 12% 11%
Increased a lot 8% 10% 10% 7% 11% 7% 8%
Increased a little 21% 20% 25% 25% 26% 19% 17%
Stayed much the same 56% 56% 59% 54% 47% 60% 62%
Decreased a little 6% 7% 4% 7% 4% 6% 8%
Decreased a lot 5% 4% 2% 8% 7% 6% 3%
Can’t say 4% 3% * 7% 3% 1%

56% say their interest in following Federal politics has stayed much the same, 29% have more interest and 11% less interest.

Respondents aged 18-34 were more likely to have more interest in following Federal politics (37%) while older voters’ interest was more likely to have stayed much the same.
