Q. Over the last couple of weeks, have your concerns about the impact on religious freedoms increased or decreased or stayed about the same?
Total | Vote Labor | Vote Lib/Nat | Vote Greens | Vote other | Support same sex marriage | Don’t support same sex marriage | |||
Concerns have increased | 24% | 20% | 30% | 10% | 31% | 9% | 51% | ||
Concerns have decreased | 5% | 6% | 5% | 11% | 3% | 7% | 4% | ||
Stayed about the same | 61% | 64% | 60% | 73% | 61% | 77% | 38% | ||
Not sure | 9% | 11% | 5% | 6% | 5% | 7% | 7% |
24% say their concerns that allowing same-sex marriage may impact on religious freedoms has increased while 65% say their concerns have stayed the same or decreased.
51% of those who don’t support same-sex marriage say their concerns have increased.