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  • Oct, 2019

    Awareness of and support for Extinction Rebellion

    Q. Before today, had you heard of Extinction Rebellion? / To what extent do you support or oppose the Extinction Rebellion protests to push for governments to act on climate change and move towards renewable energy?

      Total Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Yes 42% 41% 41% 52% 45%
    No 58% 59% 59% 48% 55%
    Base (n) 1,033 371 401 106 119


    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Strongly support 22% 24% 9% 65% 17%
    Somewhat support 30% 44% 18% 31% 22%
    Somewhat oppose 15% 15% 21% 3% 10%
    Strongly oppose 29% 13% 49% 0% 44%
    Unsure 4% 5% 3% 1% 7%
    NET: Support 52% 68% 27% 96% 39%
    NET: Oppose 44% 28% 71% 3% 54%
    Base (n) 446 153 170 55 55
    •  42% of participants have heard of Extinction Rebellion and this is highest among Queenslanders (51%).
    • 52% of those who are aware of Extinction Rebellion support their protests to push for governments to act on climate change and move towards renewable energy.
    • Labor (68%) and Greens (96%) voters who are aware of Extinction Rebellion, are more likely than Coalition (27%) voters to support their protests.
    • 18-34 year olds who are aware of Extinction Rebellion, are more likely to support their goals (71%) than those aged over 55 (38%).
    • Queensland residents aware of the Extinction Rebellion are more likely to oppose the protests (58%) than any other state or territory (41%).
  • Oct, 2019

    Performance of Scott Morrison

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Scott Morrison is doing as Prime Minister?

    Oct’19 Sep’19 Aug’19 Jul’19 Jun’19 Mar’19
    NET: Approve 47% 49% 48% 48% 48% 43%
    NET: Disapprove 38% 36% 37% 34% 36% 39%
    Don’t know 15% 15% 16% 18% 18% 18%
    Base (n) 1,088 1,093 1,096 1,091 1,099 1,090


      Total Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Strongly approve 12% 4% 29% 3% 4%
    Approve 34% 21% 55% 19% 32%
    Disapprove 19% 29% 9% 26% 21%
    Strongly disapprove 19% 32% 2% 36% 25%
    Don’t know 15% 14% 6% 16% 18%
    NET: Approve 47% 25% 84% 22% 36%
    NET: Disapprove 38% 61% 10% 62% 46%
    Base (n) 1,088 343 380 107 130
    • There is little change to the approval rating of the Prime Minister this month, with the 47% of participants approving of the job he’s doing is on par with previous months to June 2019 (49% in Oct’19 and 48% in June and July).
    • The vast majority of Coalition voters approve of Morrison’s performance as PM, with 84% approval, compared to just 10% of Coalition voters who disapprove.
    • Males (53%), capital city residents (50%) and participants with a university education (52%) were also more likely to view the PM’s performance positively – than females (40%), non-capital residents (40%) and those with lower levels of education (43%).
  • Oct, 2019

    Performance of Anthony Albanese

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

    Oct’19 Sep’19 Aug’19 Jul’19 Jun’19 Mar’19


    NET: Approve 40% 36% 38% 39% 35% 38%
    NET: Disapprove 29% 31% 29% 24% 25% 44%
    Don’t know 31% 33% 33% 37% 39% 18%
    Base (n) 1,088 1,093 1,096 1,091 1,099 1,090


      Total Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Strongly approve 7% 12% 5% 7% 2%
    Approve 33% 44% 32% 34% 22%
    Disapprove 21% 14% 26% 19% 29%
    Strongly disapprove 9% 3% 15% 5% 13%
    Don’t know 31% 27% 23% 35% 33%
    NET: Approve 40% 56% 37% 41% 24%
    NET: Disapprove 29% 17% 41% 24% 42%
    Base (n) 1,088 343 380 107 130
    • Anthony Albanese has 40% approval as Opposition Leader, but just under one third (31%) don’t know how to rate his performance. More respondents are able to provide a rating on Albanese’s performance now, than when he first took over the position in June, when 29% recorded a response of don’t know .
    • Approval with Albanese’s performance is driven by high-income earners (48%), participants with a university education (47%) and males (44%).
  • Oct, 2019

    Preferred Prime Minister

    Q. Who do you think would makes the better Prime Minister out of Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese?

      Oct’19 Sep’19 Aug’19 Jul’19 Jun’19 May’19 Mar’19
    Scott Morrison 43% 46% 44% 44% 43% 39% 44%
    Anthony Albanese 28% 25% 28% 26% 25% 32%




    Don’t know 29% 29% 28% 31% 32% 28% 26%
    Base (n) 1,088 1,093 1,096 1,091 1,099 1,210 1,090


      Total Gender Age
    Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    Scott Morrison 43% 48% 39% 42% 40% 48%
    Anthony Albanese 28% 30% 25% 29% 25% 29%
    Don’t know 29% 21% 36% 29% 35% 23%
    Base (n) 1,088 539 549 342 373 373
    • More than two-fifths of participants think that Scott Morrison makes the better PM (43%), which is on par with previous months from June 2019 (from 46% to 43%)
    • 29% don’t know who would make the better PM between Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.
  • Oct, 2019

    Performance of Coalition since May’19 election

    Q. In the six months since winning the election, how would you rate the performance of the Coalition Government as a whole?

      Total Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Excellent 7% 3% 14% 3% 3%
    Good 26% 13% 48% 13% 20%
    Fair 30% 32% 31% 30% 30%
    Poor 28% 45% 5% 46% 38%
    Unsure 9% 6% 2% 8% 9%
    Base (n) 1,088 343 380 107 130
    • Although just 7% rated the performance of the Coalition as ‘Excellent’ in the 6 months since the election victory, 26% rated it ‘Good’ and a further 30% as ‘Fair’.
    • Men (10% to 4% of women) and Coalition voters (14% to 3% or all other voters) were more likely to rate the Coalition Government’s performance as ‘Excellent’.
  • Oct, 2019

    Performance of Labor since May’19 election

    Q. In the six months since winning the election, how would you rate the performance of the Labor opposition in the six months since the election?

      Total Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other
    Excellent 5% 8% 5% 7% 2%
    Good 19% 30% 13% 22% 7%
    Fair 38% 45% 38% 30% 36%
    Poor 26% 10% 37% 30% 41%
    Unsure 13% 8% 7% 11% 14%
    Base (n) 1,088 343 380 107 130
    • Ratings for the performance of the Labor Opposition were broadly in line with the Government, with just 5% rating it as excellent and most rating it as ‘Fair’ (38%).
    • Those aged 18-34 were most likely to rate the performance of Labor as ‘Excellent’ (9% to 3% of over 35 year olds).
  • Oct, 2019

    Attributes of the Liberal Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about Federal political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Liberal Party?

      Total Change






    Will promise to do anything to win votes 64% -4 68% 67%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 63% -4 67% 65%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 60% -9 69% 66%
    Moderate 54% +6 48% 53%
    Have a vision for the future 51% +8 43% 48%
    Divided 50% -29 79% 68%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 49% +9 40% 41%
    Clear about what they stand for 48% +15 33% 40%
    Have good policies 48% +8 40% 45%
    Has a good team of leaders 46% +15 31% 37%
    Looks after the interests of working people 40% +8 32% 36%
    Keeps its promises 40% +12 28% 32%
    Trustworthy 39% +9 30% 34%
    Extreme 35% -5 40% 37%
    Base (n) 1,088 1,035 1,025
    • The Liberal party is perceived as promising to do anything to win votes (64%), too close to the big corporate and financial interests (63%) and out of touch with ordinary people (60%).
    • Since August 2018, there have been improved perceptions that the Liberal Party has a good team of leaders (up 15pts, from 31%), are clear about what they stand for (up 15pts, from 33%) and keeps its promises (up 12pts, from 28%).
    • Over the same time they are also perceived less as divided (down 29pts, from 79%) and being out of touch with ordinary people (down 9pts, from 69%).
  • Oct, 2019

    Attributes of the Labor Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about Federal political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party?

      Total Change






    Will promise to do anything to win votes 65% -5 70% 69%
    Looks after the interests of working people 59% +4 55% 58%
    Divided 55% +9 46% 51%
    Moderate 53% +3 50% 52%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 51% +3 48% 48%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 51% 51% 52%
    Have a vision for the future 50% +2 48% 49%
    Clear about what they stand for 46% -1 47% 45%
    Have good policies 44% +1 43% 44%
    Has a good team of leaders 42% +3 39% 39%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 41% +5 36% 42%
    Extreme 36% 36% 41%
    Trustworthy 36% +2 34% 32%
    Keeps its promises 35% +5 30% 31%
    Base (n) 1,088 1,035 1,025
    • The Labor party is similarly perceived as promising to do anything to win votes (65%) but also looking after the interests of working people (59%) and divided (55%).
    • The perception that Labor is divided has increased since August 2018 by 9pts.