Industry Super Network’s David Whiteley tells people to hang on to their super for the long haul
With super funds taking a dive along with every other investment, Australians are growing nervous about their retirement funds. But experts in the industry are telling us to settle in for the long haul. Just keep an eye on your fees, investments and don’t pull out if it hits the bottom. So what are the long term prospects for super? And are all funds meeting the challenges in the same way?
NDIS’s Kirsten Deane talks about her ground breaking campaign for people with disabilities.
Through the engagement campaign — Every Australian Counts – people with disabilities and their carers have been at the forefront of driving action to get a National Disability Insurance Scheme off the ground. They’ve visited their local MPs, got online to make videos about their life and turn up to many events to push the message home. How has social media driven this online action? How have the MPs reacted? And will it make a difference to a scheme that will add billions to the budget bottom line?
AMWU’s Tim Ayres explains why we need to invest in manufacturing.
Can we still be a nation that make things? This was the call that Kevin Rudd put out on election night 2007 – but turning good intention into effective policy has proven elusive. Through the first decade of the 21st century, we have witnessed a stream of closures of factories and the offshoring of iconic Australian brands from Victa to Campbell Soups. But there are still over one million australians employed in manufacturing – nearly five times the employment of the mining industry. So is the manufacturing industry worth saving – and if so, what role should the government play?