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Budget Emergency

19 May 2015

Q. Some people say that there is a “budget emergency” in Australia. Which of the following is closest to your view?



  Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   May 2014
I agree that there is a ‘budget emergency’ in Australia, and I believe that the recently announced budget changes will help bring the budget back into line. 19% 9% 39% 1% 8% 32%
I agree that there is a ‘budget emergency’ in Australia, but I don’t think the recently announced budget changes will help bring the budget back into line. 32% 34% 32% 26% 42% 24%
I do not believe we have a budget emergency in Australia 30% 40% 19% 54% 31% 32%
Don’t know 19% 17% 10% 19% 19% 11%

Overall, 51% of Australians agree that there is a budget emergency – down 5% since this time last year.

19% agree that there is a budget emergency and that the recent budget will help bring the budget back into line – down 13%. 32% (up 8%) agree that there is a budget emergency, but that the recent budget will not bring the budget back into line.

30% (down 2%) do not believe there is a budget emergency.

Labor (40%) and Greens (54%) voters were more likely to think that we do not have a budget emergency in Australia.
