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Australian Constitution

14 Jul 2015

Q. If a referendum was held to include recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution, would you vote for or against?

   Total    Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Aug 2014
Vote for 61% 70% 54% 88% 48% 58%
Vote against 16% 13% 21% 3% 27% 10%
Not sure 23% 17% 25% 9% 24% 32%

61% would vote in a referendum to include recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution and only 16% would vote against. 23% were not sure how they would vote.

This represents an increase since last August for both the yes vote (+3%) and the no vote (+6%) with “not sure” dropping from 32% to 23%.

88% of Greens voters and 70% of Labor voters would vote for the change compared to 54% of Liberal/National voters.
