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Australia Safer Place Post 9/11

19 Sep 2011

Q. Do you think Australia is a safer or less safe place than it was 10 years ago?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Total safer 19% 28% 18% 12%
Total less safe 36% 28% 40% 28%
A lot safer 5% 9% 5% 3%
A little safer 14% 19% 13% 9%
About the same 42% 43% 40% 59%
A little less safe 26% 21% 30% 24%
A lot less safe 10% 7% 10% 4%
Don’t know 3% 2% 3% 2%

More respondents think that Australia is now less safe than it was 10 years ago (36% total less safe), compared to those that think it is safer (19% total safe).  Most respondents think it is about the same (42%).

Those aged 25-34 years old are more likely to regard Australia as a lot safer (10%) than the general sample (5%).  Those aged 65+ are significantly more likely to regard Australia as less safe, with 57% of these respondents stating that they felt it was total less safe overall, compared with 36% of the general sample.

Labor voters are the most likely to regard Australia as a safer place than it was 10 years ago (28% total safer) and Greens voters are the least likely to do so (12% total safer).

Lib/Nat voters are the most likely to regard Australia as less safe than 10 years ago (40%), compared with 28% of Labor and 28% of Greens voters.
