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Approval of Taxation Proposals

10 May 2010

Q4. The Federal Government recently announced changes to our tax system as a result of the Henry Report, which was a review of Australia’s taxation. Do you approve or disapprove of the following Government proposals?

  Total approve Total disapprove Strongly approve Approve Disapprove Strongly disapprove Don’t know
Higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies 52% 34% 14% 38% 19% 15% 14%
Increasing superannuation contributions from 9% to 12% 74% 17% 25% 49% 12% 5% 10%
Cutting company tax rates 54% 29% 10% 44% 23% 6% 18%
Increasing taxes on cigarettes and alcohol 63% 31% 33% 30% 15% 16% 6%

 There was majority approval of all recent changes to Australia’s taxation.

 The most popular proposal was to increase superannuation contributions from 9% to 12% – 74% approved and 17% disapproved.

 63% approved increasing taxes on cigarettes and alcohol.

More than half approved cutting company tax rates (54%) and higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies (52%).

78% of Labor voters approved higher taxes on mining company profits (11% disapprove) and 56% of Liberal/National voters disapproved (35% approve).

 Increasing superannuation contributions received high support from both Labor (85%) and Liberal/National voters (72%). 61% of both Labor and Liberal/National voters supported cutting company tax rates. 63% of Labor voters and 69% of Liberal/National voters approved increasing taxes on cigarettes and alcohol.
