Q. Do you think there has been too much or too little media coverage of the allegations concerning Craig Thomson or has media coverage been about right?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Too much |
43% |
58% |
28% |
64% |
Too little |
8% |
6% |
12% |
5% |
About right |
35% |
23% |
49% |
21% |
Don’t know |
14% |
13% |
10% |
10% |
43% think there has been too much media coverage of the allegations concerning Craig Thomson, 8% too little and 35% think the coverage has been about right.
Those most likely to think there has been too much coverage were women (46%), aged 55+ (52%), respondents on incomes under $600pw (53%) and union members (51%).