Q. Do you know how many jobs are in the car industry in Australia?
Total | Vote Labor | Vote Lib/Nat | Vote Greens | |
500,000 | 5% | 8% | 4% | 3% |
200,000 | 9% | 8% | 10% | 12% |
100,000 | 9% | 9% | 9% | 11% |
50,000 | 9% | 8% | 11% | 6% |
20,000 | 3% | 4% | 3% | 5% |
Don’t know | 66% | 63% | 64% | 63% |
Only 9% correctly nominated 50,000 as the number of jobs in the car industry in Australia. 66% said they didn’t know and the rest of the responses were spread across all options – suggesting that most who gave an answer were probably guessing.