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Expected restriction levels

8 Sep 2020

Q. In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, what do you expect will happen to the restriction levels in your local area over the next two months?

  07/09 24/08
I expect restrictions will become tighter 15% 39%
I expect no change to the restrictions 43% 39%
I expect restrictions will have eased 42% 22%
Base (n) 1,076 1,058


I expect restrictions will become tighter 15% 19% 9% 20% 10% 9%
I expect no change to the restrictions 43% 46% 31% 48% 42% 53%
I expect restrictions will have eased 42% 35% 60% 32% 48% 38%
Base (n) 1,076 352 275 215 88 99
  • A general expectation of an easing of restrictions in the next two months suggests Australians feel the worst effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have passed. Just 15% think tighter restrictions will be required in the next two months and 42% expect an easing of restrictions.
  • The expectation of easing restrictions is highest in Victoria (60%), as this state currently has the strictest requirements. The majority of this survey was completed before the announcement of the lock-down extension in Victoria on Sunday 6th