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Truth in statements about Covid-19

11 Aug 2020

Q. How confident are you that the following statements about Covid-19 are true?

  TOTAL: True TOTAL: Not true Definitely true Probably true Probably not true Definitely not true Unsure
It’s possible for people to have the virus and be contagious even if they don’t feel sick in any way 81% 12% 54% 27% 9% 3% 7%
Masks trap the carbon dioxide people exhale close to their faces and make it harder to breathe in oxygen 33% 51% 11% 22% 23% 28% 16%
It’s no more dangerous than a typical winter flu 32% 60% 15% 17% 15% 45% 9%
You don’t need to wear a mask if you are physically distancing 29% 61% 8% 21% 26% 35% 10%
The malaria drug, Hydroxychloroquine, has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for Covid-19 20% 55% 7% 13% 21% 33% 26%

