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War with North Korea

9 Oct 2017

Q. How likely do you think it is that there will be a war between North Korean and the USA?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Total likely 55%   57% 54% 53% 55%
Total unlikely 36%   36% 38% 37% 34%
Very likely 16%   19% 16% 10% 16%
Somewhat likely 39%   38% 38% 43% 39%
Somewhat unlikely 24%   26% 27% 24% 18%
Very unlikely 12%   10% 11% 13% 16%
Don’t know 10%   7% 8% 10% 11%



55% believe that there is likely to be a war between North Korean and the USA and 36% think it is unlikely.

There were few major differences across demographic and voter groups.

Women were somewhat more likely than men to think a war was likely (61% compared to 49%).

Older people were less likely to think a war was likely (45% of those aged 55+).
