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26 Sep 2017

Q. Do you believe or disbelieve the following propositions?

  Total believe Total disbelieve   Strongly believe Somewhat believe Somewhat disbelieve Strongly disbelieve Not sure
Heaven and hell both exist as destinations after life. 40% 42%   20% 20% 13% 29% 19%
Angels and demons are active in the world. 39% 46%   19% 20% 14% 32% 15%
Ghosts exist and can influence their will on the living. 35% 50%   9% 26% 18% 32% 16%
Extra-terrestrials have visited the earth. 34% 44%   10% 24% 18% 26% 23%
The story of creation in the book of Genesis is a true account of the first man and woman. 34% 48%   14% 20% 13% 35% 18%
Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by scientists. 21% 68%   9% 12% 19% 49% 11%
The vibrations from wind farms cause long term health damage. 16% 58%   5% 11% 19% 39% 26%
Vaccines can cause autism. 14% 70%   4% 10% 18% 52% 16%


A substantial minority believe that –

  • Heaven and hell both exist as destinations after life. (40%)
  • Angels and demons are active in the world. (39%)
  • Ghosts exist and can influence their will on the living. (35%)
  • Extra-terrestrials have visited the earth. (34%)
  • The story of creation in the book of Genesis is a true account of the first man and woman. (34%)


A majority do not believe that –

  • Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by scientists. (68%)
  • The vibrations from wind farms cause long term health damage. (58%)
  • Vaccines can cause autism. (70%)