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Doing enough to address climate change

6 Dec 2016

Q. As far as you know, do you think Australia is doing enough, not enough or too much to address climate change?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Climate change is happening   Aug 2015 Mar 2016 Aug 2016
Doing enough 22%   16% 35% 4% 26%   15%   24% 21% 22%
Not doing enough 49%   62% 30% 88% 45%   76%   53% 57% 52%
Doing too much 11%   8% 16% 2% 17%   2%   7% 8% 8%
Don’t know 18%   14% 19% 6% 12%   7%   16% 13% 18%

49% (down 3% since August) think Australia is not doing enough to address climate change and 22% (no change) think Australia is doing enough.

Those most likely to think Australia is not doing enough were aged 18-34 (54%) and university educated (54%).

Of those who believe climate change is happening, 76% think Australia is not doing enough.
