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Forms of intolerance

13 Sep 2016

Q. For each of the following forms of intolerance, please indicate to what extent you think it is a problem in Australia. 

  Total large/ moderate   A large problem Moderate problem Small


Not a problem at all Don’t know   Sep 12

Total large/ moderate

Jun 13

Total large/ moderate

Feb 14

Total large/ moderate

Aug 15

Total large/ moderate

Racism against people from other countries 62%   25% 37% 27% 7% 5% 71% 69% 64% 60%
Racism against indigenous Australians 58%   25% 33% 28% 8% 5% 54%
Sexism 57%   21% 36% 30% 8% 5% 45% 52% 51% 47%
Religious intolerance 57% 24% 34% 27% 9% 5% 65% 54% 51% 53%
Homophobia 53% 20% 33% 32% 10% 5% 50% 51% 47% 47%
Ageism 49% 17% 32% 30% 14% 8% 44% 46% 49% 48%

57% think that sexism is a major/moderate problem in Australia – up 10% since August last year – and 53% think homophobia is a major/moderate problem in Australia (up 6%).

62% (up 2%) think that racism against people from other countries is a major/moderate problem in Australia – and 58% (up 4%) think racism against indigenous Australians is a major/moderate problem.
